#TheUnstuckBook Resource Page

Read A Sample of The Book

Are you a career changer? I wrote this part of the book just for you!

Daily Activity Sheet

Use this sheet to record your activities so you can begin your new routine!

360 Degree Review

Use this sheet to get feedback from those around you with a different perspective from you.

Jumpstart My Vision Workshop

Need help figuring out your next steps in life?

In this short virtual workshop you’ll learn the tools to create your own vision.

Don’t have my book yet? Buy it now!

Dominique Henderson, CFP®, helps individuals assess their current life situation and create a plan to address any areas of stagnation. Through his book, "Assess, Address & Adjust: A Practical Guide to Becoming Unstuck & Achieving Your Goals," Dominique provides readers with the tools they need to become unstuck and achieve their goals. Dominique is a trusted advisor and career coach who believes that everyone has the potential to live a life of purpose and meaning. He works with his clients to help them assess their current situation, identify areas of stagnation, and create a plan to move forward.

DJH Capital Management, LLC. (“the firm”) is a registered investment advisory firm offering comprehensive financial planning and investment advisory services in states and other jurisdictions where exempted.

Opinions expressed on this website are not intended to be a solicitation for the purchase/sale of securities. Any advice rendered should be considered dynamic in nature and strictly for the use of clients of the firm.

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